564 ViewsProduced entirely by Splash, the instrumentals recall classic genre-liquefying experiments like DJ Shadow’s Endtroducing and Bizarre Ride II The Pharcyde. You can file
Tag: Semi Hendrix
@SemiHendrix1 feat. @CeeLoGreen – “Sex Pistol”
593 Views Los Angeles duo Ras Kass and Jack Splash, the oxymorons known as Semi Hendrix, have been releasing a broad spectrum array of
@SemiHendrix1 – “Breakfast At Banksy’s”
587 Views Semi Hendrix’s (made up of MC Ras Kass & producer Jack Splash) debut album Breakfast At Banksy’s, was titled before even of whiff of Dismaland, but the timing couldn’t
@SemiHendrix1 feat. @sidthe3rd & @therealrussellp – “Bukowski”
566 Views Legendary west coast MC Ras Kass berates the present Disneyland mainframe over 3x Grammy Award winning producer Jack Splash’s incredible head spinning theme
#FreeDownloadFriday @SemiHendrix1 – “Jesus Pressed Mute”
558 ViewsSemi Hendrix is the acid inside the headband and the fork inside the electric socket. It’s hard-core hip-hop, furious voltage spiked with funk
@SemiHendrix1 – “#4081”
538 ViewsPeople have been asking for this whole time, “Who is Semi Hendrix?” Semi Hendrix is a hip hop duo from whereabouts unknown and