City The Great, Artist/CEO, Pushes Hip Hop To The Forefront


At the young age of nine, City The Great wrote his very first rap he called “F*ck School.” The now acclaimed artist/CEO knew after his pen hit paper there was no other calling for him. As he matured so did his drive to perfect his craft, and he did just that diligently. His music catalog consists of a series of mixtapes, studio albums, and collaborations with Hip Hop pioneers. In fact, once Special Ed heard City’s music he immediately signed him as the first artist under his label SEmedia. “City The Great is refreshing to the ears, his realness is authentic and he strives to keep the culture and elements of Hip Hop alive.” -Special Ed

City The Great doesn’t just stop at music, as the CEO of Certified Nation Entertainment he scouts and signs like-minded artists to help bridge the generation gap in Hip Hop. To further that mission, he linked with Kool Rock Ski of The Fat Boys as co-orchestrator for the Annual Classic Hip Hop and R&B Cookout in NY, where all generations come together to celebrate Hip Hop and the culture. “He has great talent and is making incredible moves in the industry, he keeps me young and motivated, this is just the beginning.” – Kool Rock Ski

Both Special Ed, Kool Rock Ski, and other founding fathers of Hip Hop are impressed with Great’s knack to reach the world by way of his signature blends of classic and new-age Hip Hop with respect to the culture and elements. Be sure to connect with City The Great below and grab a copy of his latest projects ‘The Wordsmith’ album and ‘Respectfully Yours’ the mixtape.




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