(Trailer) The UMC’s: Staten Island’s Forgotten Sons


Hip Hop duo Haas G and Kool Kim of The UMC’s emerged onto the scene as the first rap group out of Staten Island. 30 years later they present “The UMC’s: Staten Island’s Forgotten Sons.” The upcoming documentary is presented by Dream Different Media with production by The UMC’s along with Boo and Sarah Hartman Evans.

The trailer shows snippets on how the group came into fruition and in the blink of an eye became the first rap group out of Staten Island to appear and perform on Soultrain as well as the first rap group out of Staten Island to chart on Billboard with two No. 1 hits. Also included in the trailer are interview excerpts from will.i.am and Kanye West who mention the heavy influence The UMC’s had on their careers and in Hip Hop, past and present.

The documentary’s trailer also refreshes viewers with the iconic ‘Fruits of Nature’ album cover poster plastered on the set of Martin. Watch “The UMC’s: Staten Island’s Forgotten Sons” and stay tuned for the release of the full documentary.

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