New Video: Tre Creamer – FOCBU (@TCREAM09)


Midwest Rap juggernaut Tre Creamer is one of the top independent rappers to watch in 2018. The incredibly gifted, multi-talented rhyme slinger paints portraits of his world with his music. He has honed a refreshing style that combines street tales with wisdom and food for thought.

His music conveys an element of “truth” and “realness.” The magnetic rapper has an appeal that is international in scope and definition. Tre Creamer offers a rare blend of wild ambition, inventive videos, and creativity that’s often absent in street rap.

Tre creates timeless music delivered with heartfelt emotion. Tre Creamer storms the Hip hop scene with unique vision. a passionate flow and unmatched cadence. He is currently heating up the streets with his single “FOCBU. ” The dynamic visual to the song was directed by @nikomoney263.



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