[VIDEO]- Martin TV Show star Bruh Man reignites his entrepreneurial spirits @Retrofresh_


Reginald Ballard better known as “Bruh Man” The guy who frequented Martin’s apartment through the window has reignited his entrepreneurial spirits. The “Martin” actor Famous for his ”Whitty Huton” T-Shirt is back at it again but this time it’s the Queen “Bey” Beyonce Knowles or should I say “Beeonsay Knowz”. After wrapping up a successful tour in 2016 Bruh Man has decided to keep the energy from Bey’s “Wuld Toor” going. “Fans are sure to appreciate this hilarious T-shirt that is also available in a Sweater as well.

The brand also has other designs that gives fans a retro look from the classic TV show Martin with catchy phrases and themes that will remind fans of the hit 90’s sitcom.

This shirt and other items can be purchased at RetroFreshApparel.com


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Instagram: @RetroFreshApparel

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