Ryder’s Magazine Very Own Willy Breed Appears On The Glenn Report TV


1. Tell us about yourself and what inspired you to want to do music

I go by Willy Breed. My real name Donald Potter Jr. I originally lived in Southside Jamaica Queens, until I moved to Long Island in 2002. I’ve always been surrounded by music my whole life. I remember my dad playing all of the classic soul music from the 70’s and eighties growing up, so when it came time for me to write a rhyme it came together naturally. I remember writing my first rhyme after listening to a big daddy Kane album my dad had got me.

What have you accomplished so far as an artist?

I’ve come along way in a short time, but still got more work to do you know. I’ve managed to get my single played on the national college radio and its currently charting at number 9 after five short weeks. I have two dope visuals dropping this month as well as an album out by the name of “Livestokkamerica”. I’m also securing a distribution deal at the moment.

3. Do you have any new projects out right now and if so what can people expect to get from it?

Right now I’m working on my sophomore album that will be dropping soon. I also have my debut album out “Livestokk America”, which you can find that on my website willybreed.com. The album is dope and I have no guest on it, so it’s literally an introduction to me. The single is real dope as well and it’s the type of album that a real hip hop head can enjoy.

4. Who are some of your influences and why?

My major influences are Tupac, Notorious Big, Big L, Pun, and Eazy E.

How does it feel to be number 12 on college radio charts?

Well that felt good a week ago. I’m #9 now ha ha!!! But in all seriousness I feel motivated. My work ethic is insane right now and I’m really looking to change the style of the rap game, so I’m going am right now.

6. I see your music was promoted at the SXSW Festival this year. How was that experience for you?

Yo it was dope. I was out of town at the time so it was dope to hear all of the good feedback. I feel appreciated!!!

7. What is your mission in life and do you feel like you have what it takes to change the game?

My mission is to sell a lot of records and use the money to make a better situation for black people and the U.S. I know it may sound like pie in the sky, but if we work neighborhood by neighborhood maybe we can get African Americans to were they need to be socially, economically, and mentally. As far as the game goes, I have no doubt that I’m going to shake this game up. Livestokk is big man. It’s not just a company…it’s a movement

8. Is there anything you wish you would of done differently as an artist?

I’ve got some ideas, but I think I’m to fresh in the game to answer that question. Check me 5 years from now

9. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

In the world, it’s been my dream for the whole world to hear my music. I feel like I’m at a point in my life were I’m able to turn my life experience into art for the people. I feel like I’m going to make something great.

10. Have any media companies reach out to you yet? If so what was that experience like for you?

I have a few, mostly major websites(shout out to everybody). Right now I’m the best kept secret but in a years time, expect to see me everywhere.

11. Where can people find you on social media?

You can find me at

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