Erykah Badu Talks To Future Project Students In Newark About Her Aspirations To Open A School


Two days ago, the first clip of Erykah Badu’s surprise visit and impromptu performance for students from The Future Project at Malcolm X High School in Newark, NJ swept the internet. In this second segment Eryakah Badu speaks to the students about her experience as a teacher and her aspirations to open her own school.

Erykah shared with the students about her own educational background and career of majoring in theater and minoring in physics at Grambling State University and going on afterwards to teach dance, theater, science and math. She also gave some details around what her school would ideally entail from curriculum to hours and a shortened school week.

While, on her visit, Erykah was named an honorary Dream Director from The Future Project. The Future Project places dream directors in schools to provide coaching, offer courses, and apply culture-change techniques to create impact on building will and skill in students and improving the culture of the school. Currently the Future Project is in schools in New York, Detroit, Philadelphia, New Haven, Newark, San Francisco and Washington, DC. For more information on The Future Project please visit


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