New Artist: SOULFUL MUSIC BY INDIE ARTIST “KIKI” @ItsKiKi777 (@Iamwhatspoppin)


Kiki’s soul goes far deeper than simply being one of the finest trauma anesthesiologists in the country. Her intense caring for her fellow human beings comes in the form of repairing both the body and the mind. Amidst all the turmoil of overly-long medical hours and emotional strain, she finds solace in the poetry she has written all her life. So much so, Kiki has transformed this beautiful escape into music. Her love for the violin soothes her soul and no song written and produced by the Kiki Team is complete until the violin is heard.

Her remarkable talents allow her to self-produce evocative melodies and transcendent lyrics of reality, love, hope and advice. Kiki is a StoryTeller of life’s triumphs and failures, relationships some with emotion, some without, and some with pure fascination. She writes about what she feels and situations that others may feel and can relate to. As she continues to search her soul and yours… listen…

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