Meet Rising Star, Niagara Falls NY Artist JR Hendrixx


Introducing JR Hendrixx, a trailblazing hip hop artist born and raised in Niagara Falls New York. With a dynamic range that spans from heavy-hitting lyricism to enchanting melodies, JR Hendrixx is a true maestro of musical expression. At the core of his artistry lies an unparalleled ability to seamlessly transition between the realms of thought-provoking lyricism and captivating melodies.

Introduce yourself to our readers, let them know your name and where you’re from

I am JR Hendrixx I’m from Niagara Falls New York

When did you know that music was actually going to be your career?

When i was 14, i was always freestyling on beats and i realized i had a gift. I had no passion for anything else but music

If you could get advice from any artist in the industry, who would it be and why?

Lil Wayne because he’s still hungry after all those years of being in the game he’s been around for different eras and stayed hot being himself

What or who influences your music?

the things i go through in life whether it be good or bad I’m always expressing how i feel. Then there’s people like young thug who influences me on the creative side and lil Wayne and Kendrick Lamar set that bar for me lyrically listening to them motivates and pushes me to get to that level

What’s the process of creating music for you?

I find a beat to fit the mood I’m in then freestyle a few takes and keep what i like

Has anyone helped you or guided you in getting your foot in the industry?

Nah i learned everybody is just looking out for themselves nobody wanted me to reach my potential that’s why I’m on my own ,so now only i could slow me down now

Tell our readers what to look out for next from you?

I have a single dropping September 15th, there’s gonna be a lot of music coming and the consistency is going to be heavy

What differentiates you from other artists?

I have my own sound I’m not trying to be something I’m not , I’m very lyrical and a punchline rapper but also really melodic and unorthodox i approach every song differently i don’t have songs that sound the same. A lot of people think that there’s a feature on my songs when my voice changes from me rapping to singing.

How can promoters looking to book you get in contact with you?

You can message me on any platform or go to my instagram jrhendrixx_ all my contact info is there

What do you hope to get out of your involvement in the music industry?

when it’s all said and done i want to be the greatest it’s always been my goal to live on through my music and motivate people and change peoples lives

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