Meet Miami Artist L3o


Introduce yourself to our readers, let them know your name and where you’re from.
My name is Alex Leon. Artist Name L3o is pronounced as Leo. I’m from Miami Florida.

What inspired you to start doing music?

At what point in your life did you know that music was actually going to be your career?
My first professional studio session in Miami Florida a myth, legend and destiny collided.

If you could get advice from any artist in the industry, who would it be and why?
To maintain a strong mind. Mentally you have to be strong because every step closer to your dreams you will start to see your circle getting smaller and smaller. Doubt will happen and only the strong minded will survive.

What’s the name of the current project you’re pushing and where can our readers find it?
My New Album First Blood is only available on BandCamp. Here’s are the links to stream/buy the Album

What separates this project from past projects you’ve done?
This project is For the Free Minds to Digest. A survival guide and survival kit to utilize as you are progressing towards your dreams. And a true story to inspire and motivate.

What’s your ultimate goal in the music industry?
To give the youth Free mind to digest music among the poison music in today’s universe.

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