Cubilas The MPC Whisperer


If you are a fan of Hip-Hop production then you know the letters MPC. the MPC has been a staple in hip hop production since the 80s and have gone through many models. the current crop of MPCs (MPC X, MPC Key 61, MPC Live/Live II, MPC One) are the most technologically advanced models with what amounts to mini computers inside. they van be expanded with SSD drives and sd cards, and have built in vsts and expansions. the cool thing is these can also be loaded with custom expansions and right now the leader of the custom expansion game is a small company called Cubilas. coming on the scene a few years ago, Cubilas provides custom sounds from other instruments and samplers converted especially for the new generation MPCs. from Korg to Yamaha, Cubilas curates the sounds and gets them right.

Cubilas says is a passion and labor of love to come out with these expansions (there are new releases constantly) and being a producer himself, its always challenging to push the envelope.

you can check out Cubilas on his website or check out his store or follow him on Facebook

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