Lots of Locs holds nothing back sexually with new single “Gorilla Grip” @lotsoflocs_


In todays environment woman have shown that they can say and do whatever they feel and want without having to worry about what anyone has to say about it. Expression is key and vital to daily freedom and when it comes to female sexuality, it should not be any different.

Residing in Colorado Springs, Colorado is a dope female artist named Lots of Locs who has no problem expressing who she is and her sexual desires. With influences like Lil Kim, Meghan Thee Stallion to name a few she has a base to let the world be known how she likes her intimacy.

Teaming up with producer Rujay they put together a single titled “Gorilla Gripp” that talks how she likes it, how her man holds her down, and what required to keep her satisfied. Lyrically she lays on the track perfectly and stays on concept well. Lots of Locs has talent and everyone needs to get familiar.

Listen to “Gorilla Grip” available on all digital Platforms Now

Instagram: @lotsoflocs_


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