Mighty Casey feat. Mankind – “Boys On The Tracks” | @CaseyGame @MankindMusicAcademy


Tales of government drugs, conspiracies, murders and coverups that would make the Snowfall on FX show proud. Thankfully MC, journalist and writer Mighty Casey, most known for the controversial BET UnCut cult classic “White Girls” is here for all of the above, taking on the murder allegations involving the Clintons with “Boys On the Tracks” feat. Mankind. With recent allegations of former WWE wrestler Billy Jack Haynes speaking about Bill Clinton being involved in drugs and murder in Arkansas during the 1980s. It’s Narcos on wax with a conspiracy twist.

“‘Boys On The Tracks’ is mature Hip-Hop storytelling at its finest, without being contrived. Very successful release overall,” Nico Defosse, Urban Music Director, WKNC in Raleigh, NC, said. “Intricate lyricism and solid production from [Mighty] Casey and Mankind,” Justin Loye, Hip-Hop Music Director, KUPS in Tacoma, WA, said. “They make a good team.”

Check out the video below on YouTube.

@CaseyGame | @MankindMusicAcademy

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