New Video: Shah Leezy ft. Yun Gemini “Freedom”


With everything going on in the world, it is still rare for most hip-hop now to reflect the current state of our nation. For some, it is easy to look past it but for rapper Shah Leezy, he would rather run straight at it with his new single “Freedom.” Enlisting the vocal talents of Yung Gemini, both artists talk about everything from Black Lives Matter to racist TSA agents, while mixing in a little humor along the way. Shot in various locations around NYC, Shah Lezzy incorporates some symbolism for impact (peep the courthouses in the background).

Leezy has been on his musical grind for a while now, with a mission of speaking on issues and representing his people.  As he drops this new track he wants people to bop and think all at the same time.

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