Jules Walcott – Deja Vu


Jules Walcott’s new single ‘Déjà vu’ serves as
the perfect statement piece for a confident new sound

LONG ISLAND, NY – Having already made a name for herself along the East Coast for her raw, silky and sincere vocals, New York native Jules Walcott is now ready to make a big splash on the music industry with her new sound of alternative dark pop.

Her new single, “Déjà vu,” is the perfect showcase for her original sound and style. It combines all the classical training she’s had through the years with her experience as the frontwoman of a Long Island-based hard rock band. It’s a song that talks about the progression of going through a relationship – from starting as friends, to first dates, to fighting and eventually the break-up … and then doing it all over again with another person.

“I wanted to play on that feeling of getting in a relationship and breaking up and having that experience of being single again,” Walcott said. “I think it’s a song that’s really relatable to this generation. We’ve grown up with social media, where you can hit up somebody new every day or even every hour. It’s a cycle of going through relationships and not working out and feeling like, ‘Ugh! I’m single again.’”

Walcott describes the vibe of the song as “chill and mellow with a rock edge.” She said the initial pass at the song started out more upbeat and fast, but the lyrics eventually dictated a moodier vibe that needed to be slower. Through collaboration with her producer, she developed the single into a catchy slow song that is sure to get stuck in the listener’s head.

Making catchy songs with substance is what Walcott said she wants her career to be about. She said her “dark alternative pop” is still a sound that’s mainstream pop, though with an edgy feel to it. But she’s not just stuck to that one lane. She can do mainstream pop, or Latin-infused sounds, or even hard core rock. She’s done all kinds of music throughout her young career – including opera and classical singing at one point. Finding her unique sound has been a journey that she’s proud of, she said, and one which has helped her become more confident as an artist and as a woman.

“When people hear my name or listen to my music, I want them to see a confident female who is powerful and strong within herself,” Walcott said. “For so long, when I was younger, I wanted to have a singing career and be a strong, independent woman. I didn’t know how I would get there, and I looked up to my future self – this woman I saw as someone who wouldn’t be afraid to speak her mind and do what she wants for the world. Now I feel like I’m closer to being that woman, and I want younger girls to look up to that and be able to say, ‘Although I’m young, I can still be a strong girl.’”

That confidence is demonstrated not only through her one-of-a-kind sound, but also through a signature look that includes bright pink hair and a fashion style that is simultaneously progressive and respectable. The pink hair with a black stripe is something she considers to be a metaphor for her career.

“The black represents all the bad things in my life,” she said. “I keep it with me and I use it, but I remember that the pink stuff – the good stuff – always outweighs the negative. That’s what was going through my head as I was dying my hair the first time, and that’s what I continue to try to represent with my life and my music.”

To listen to Jules Walcott’s music or to follow her on social media, please visit:

“Deja Vu” (Official Music Video)

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