NEW VIDEO: CEO Snipe (@beosnipe) – Flex Up


CEO’s who rap is not a new concept in the world of Hip Hop. With that said, the rap world has not had new well known label head who also played double duty on wax. Enter one of Atlanta’s top shot caller’s, Snipe. Having catapulted the careers of various artists under his own label MG Music Group, he’s also been an early financial backer behind major label artists such as Young Thug and 21 Savage. Now, after establishing MGMG as a powerful independent label and proving himself to be a shrewd businessman, the CEO recently stepped into the forefront with his breakthrough single “Flex Up.”

Catching on like wildfire, the up-tempo club single has been steadily gaining momentum across the south and it is make its way to other regions. Since the release, Snipe has been teasing the release of his forthcoming mixtape “Code Red.” Today, AllHipHop has been given the green-light to premiere the official music video for “Flex Up.”

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