VitalGroundz Magazine Releases Its First Ever Senior Class | @vitalgroundz


We are now over 40 years emerged into the culture of Hip Hop. It goes without saying that Hip Hop now spans across generations and is rightfully deliberated as more than just a young man’s sport. We’ve entered an era where artist are breaking new grounds and achieving uncharted levels of success despite age.

The underground Hip Hop magazine, VitalGroundz, created the first ever Senior Class, which is established to reinstate “artist discovery”. While another annual class seems to place its requirements on youthfulness and levels of achieved social media phenomenon, they instead look for matured experience, pure readiness and unique style. In doing this they have opened a new lane in Hip Hop where it’s never too late to aspired or be recognized.

VitalGroundz has held several undisclosed tapings where a number of artists seized the opportunity to compete and be crowned a VitalGroundz Senior and they salute them all. However, there could only be ten. So without further ado, introducing their 1st Annual VitalGroundz Senior Class of 2017.

For more on the Senior Class, check out the VitalGroundz Magazine website or check out the YouTube page.


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