(Audio) Rich Double – Loyalty @b4forever


The second single to drop off the highly anticipated “Space God District” album is “Loyalty”. “Loyalty” is inspired by the hard and humble times that Rich Double endured up until this point. In life we all experience different high and low points, from having too much loyalty to the wrong people or being let down by the very laws enacted by society to protect us, but that doesn’t mean we don’t persevere.

Being brought to a maximum-security federal prison is no place for any child to grow and become accustomed to their protocol, but that was life for Rich Double and his siblings. Through it all though his father always provided beyond their needs and helped establish the strong work ethic that Rich Doubleknows what is required to make it not only in the rap game but also in life. This second track “Loyalty” came together with the creative hands of Nixon, making this “Space God District” album the most eclectic and versatile album thus far with a phenomenal team backing it.

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Rich Double

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