Fresh – Love & Confliction (mixtape) Hosted by @DjSmokemixtapes | @TheFresh615



FRANKLIN, TN – Fresh isn’t just the name of one of the hottest up-and-coming young rappers in the U.S. It’s also the definition of his sound – a new take on hip-hop that he says is very much needed in the industry right now.
“I feel as if a lot of upcoming new rappers all sound the same because of the flows that are hot right now and what people want to hear,” Fresh said. “But I don’t want my music to sound like other artists in the game. I want it to sound like my own style of music, while still being able to touch base with some of the new flows being established in the game right now. I want to build a sound that nobody in the hip-hop industry can mess with or has ever heard of before. That’s why I call myself Fresh.”
Fresh’s mixtape Love & Confliction” now available on Livemixtapes.comSpinrilla.comDatpiff.comMyMixtapez App, and other outlets. “Every song has a message,” says Fresh, “it’s one of those mixtapes that you want to listen to all the way through. There’s some songs in there for the women, and there are some songs that are really smooth. There are songs that incorporate a lot of his life stories – the downfalls and betrayals in his life. The first single off the mixtape is titled “Attachment Issues”.
Attachment Issues is one of those songs that everyone can relate to if you’ve been in a relationship.
You can listen to Attachment Issues by clicking here. 


If you would like to check out more of Fresh’s music can do so on SoundcloudSpotify and YouTube. You can also follow him on social media on InstagramTwitter and Facebook.For booking questions or any other inquiries, contact

We released Fresh’s “Love & Confliction” mixtape on Livemixtapes.comSpinrilla.comDatpiff.comMyMixtapez App and many other outlets. You can get a jump on downloading the new mixtape we are releasing this today by clicking here or streaming below.

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