Live Johnson delivers his #OneManBand with a huge celebration in Brooklyn, NYC.





Born Shawn Johnson, Live Johnson as he performs professionally hails from Queens, NY where early on his influences in music allowed an outlet from the lure of the streets.  Building on his interest music as a whole from production, to writing rhymes and more Live took the approach of incorporating his love for poetry as he jotted down his first compositions. Son of a musician, Live would pattern himself after his father’s respect for the craftsmanship as well the quality in the music of his time.  Falling in love with Hip Hop along the way, his first introduction to the culture was Nas’ Street Dreams project.  A queens and industry legend, Nas embodied the culture as a whole in his eyes and was an example for phenomenal wordplay.



“Without music my life would be empty. I am inspired by the trials and tribulations that I have faced; they allow me to  bring a realness and authenticity to my music.  For those who have forgotten the vulnerability in great compositions, I offer my testament in song.”

  • -Live Johnson


His wit is balanced out by an aggression which has had others classify him as a straight forward individual.   Notable records like I Ain’t Wit’ It, The Consumer (Retail Slaves), Living Legend, and Everything’s All Good have become fan-base favorites. His current focus in the recent release of his One Man Band album available for purchase via iTunes. Live Johnson celebrated this past week in New York City with family, friends and supporters.


purchase here:

Check out highlights from Live’s release party @ Brooklyn Exposure



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Host for the night was DTF Radio’s own @TheChoiceOfNYC (Host of Lyrically Live 7-9PM Fridays)

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