@Marialametida Raises 4500 and Scams her Publicist with @change petiton


Maria ruiz has used Sharika Soal on the Impeach persky petiton https://www.change.org/p/california-state-house-impeach-judge-aaron-persky/u/17914856 for the last several month. The celebrities placed on the the petition were introduced to Maria by way of Sharika Soal a publicist.

Today comes news that even though Sharika Soals name is all over the petition and even the eventbrite page https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sit-in-protest-christina-garcia-tickets-27900281493

Maria stole money from Sharika via Paypal claiming Soal did not render services….

So sad that people take advantage of others https://www.change.org/p/california-state-house-impeach-judge-aaron-persky/u/17914856 look at the petition….. LadyThriller69 is Sharika soal… so tell us again how does one not get serviced

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