A-Thug Sits Down With The Glenn Report To Speak About His Hall Of Fame Album & Success As An Artist


1. After a successful album titled H.O.F. – Hall Of Fame which is available on i-tunes is a masterpiece for the Hip Hop collection as a whole. It has all the elements and stands on its own. Now I created the MegastarBrand mixtape “Best Of The Best” series. We just dropped volume number one which bridges the gap from underground to mainstream. The artists that are featured on the mixtape I actually know. They either used used my studio,approached me on the street or purchased a slot via FB, IG, or MegastarBrand.com. We have it on Datpiff, Audiomack, soundcloud-A-Thug, Youtube-Athugbrs/megastarDVD, and we also have approximately five blogs featuring it in Africa, it is really getting good traffic. Now with you. Thank You.

2. I felt this was what was needed right now. I want to bring light to the megastars and indie artists on the come up while highlighting major artist that I’m feeling at the particular time. With me also going through the struggle to get to be an indie major artist I want to show them love. God is love. It is a blessing.

3. First and foremost I have my son Legacy, Who is ten years old. He came out with his very first album called “PlayTime”. We shot a video for it in Panama City,Panama,The song is available on CDbaby.Com and the video is on  youtube.I want to highlight my stone Coolin Cam. He’s from my block and I have been working with him on his projects for quite some time.I like his music and drive. We did a track called “M.O.B.” another song that is highlighted is “true religion” featuring my stone SunGod. It has a spiritual  message in it on how you have to know yourself and rise above the lies to see the truth.I is available on CDbaby.com just search up A-Thug.Another gangsta track from BlackRollingStones is “Come At Your wake” featuring my Bronx Hitta June Drama. I love his grind,networking skills and consistency. We met at an public Access show in Brooklyn and been rocking out since. Go buy our track on CDbaby.com and check out the video on youtube.When I first heard the song “All The Way Up”I put it on repeat it gave me good energy,so me and my guy K-Zeus remixed it.We bodied it after the first mixing session in Mega Star Studio. That song is popping on soundcloud right now.” Lose me” featuring a good friend Reece Steele you know  her from ms rap supreme and battling  lady Luck. She is one of the dopest female artist I worked with that really write,perform and is passionate about her music.her song is about relationships that comes to an end because the person isn’t keeping it real so they’re going to lose the other one they love in the long run.”I’m Wicked”is totally a wicked track lyrically. Featuring Jayma another  artist from my block! she came for studio time and I decided to collaborate with her. She is dope lyrically,as you with hear on this track. “Island Girl’ is my second single on my album. The video is popping on youtube.

4. I am taking “MegaStarBrand “and “BlackRollingStones” to the top of the world,we will be number one in the industry. I didn’t realize that I inspire so many.I was so into my grind I didn’t notice. I will be the most influential artist to come out of Harlem. People that fronted and thought I wouldn’t make it, or never supported me is going to be my biggest fans! LMAO!

5. The most exciting time for me is when I am performing at a show. It is such a high.I see people enjoying the music and rocking my clothing.It is also great to see fans and supporters recognize and appreciate my talent by reaching out, supporting, sharing and re-posting my music, products and services. The most frustrating part is trying to build a number one team,full staff company from the ground up. Finding hard working,loyal people that will give a hundred percent even if things get slow and times get hard.

6. Being a father,artist and business man is not hard and it is not easy  either.It’s all about balance.I love being an artist, I love my son and I love working at my business. All it takes to succeed,is love. The bottom line is you have to love what you are doing. When you are passionate about something and enjoy doing it you have no problem conquering it at all.
7. My advice is to create your own lane. Be yourself.Work harder than your competitor. Be consistent and do not give up!

8. www.megastarbrand.com






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