PORN – The Official Mixtape


He moves by the name of PORN. Get your minds out of the gutter, not that PORN.

PORN is an acronym for Putting Out RealNess and he just simply does that, anything you ever hear him say is actual and factual. He won’t speak on the things in lIfe that he hasn’t done. So he gives no gimmick flows that has been polluting the airwaves. What has been boiling in self from day one is hip hop in its authentication. He aims to manifest these verbal assaults on all participants hindering the progression of hip hop.

“Hip hop fell in 9/11 with the Twin Towers,”  PORN says. “If you think differently listen to the wave before and after 9/11, hip hop is also without sound in its current state. She has lost her self-esteem, and her way home. So now it is time for artists with like minds and ambition to turn around hip-hop and guide hip hop back home.”

He bore witness the strength he harbored in his bars whenever he’s in a cipher. Now he feels blessed with a platform to share real hip hop with the masses with no more hesitation or delay. Being the underdog, PORN grew up in the streets of Boston, teaching himself how to deal with so much adversity in the world we all are trying to manage a way through.

Through his verses, he delivers a broader insight in relation to his life. He traveled the road as a free man and as a shackled convict through the federal bureaus of prisons. “Hey, if I did the crime, I did the time,” he said. “After that 5 year rest, I promised to let the world hear my messages.”

He shares this passion alongside family, friends and people wherever he goes. Being a member of T.L.T.G (THIRD LAND TRAP GANG) has sparked even more ambition along with the release of his new self titled mixtape, which includes his hit, “Fat Corey”. The Official PORN Mixtape is  up for grabs below.


Follow Shamika Sanders on Twitter and tune in to The Miss Independent Show coming soon Sundays at 10PM on 100.1 The Heat!

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