@VideoMusicBox & @WrittersBlockNY Presents 4 The Love Of Hip Hop 2


You have the ULTIMATE Brooklyn Hip Hop Experience at 50 Kent avenue with the Brooklyn Bodega’s annual BROOKLYN HIP HOP FESTIVAL! After that, the show keeps going with Ralph McDaniels and the Legendary Video Music Box along side New York’s own Writter’s Block Concert Series bringing you more Hip Hop More Legends, more special guests and More NEW YORK ENERGY!

Come to the biggest after party in the city at BLACK BEAR BAR at 70 N 6th Street (The Old Public Assembly) just a few blocks from the festival! There will be legendary artist and new comers alike like CUBAN LINK, LORD NEZ, INNOCNET?, JUXX DIAMONDZ, NAPOLEON DA LEGEND, DA BEATNUTZ, BLITZKRIEG, VVS VERBAL, EL DA SENSEI, ROYAL FLUSH, TRAGEDY KHADAFI, MIKEY DESTRUCTION, BIG CITY (JEMINI THE GIFTED ONE) MIC HANDZ, CORTEZ and more including an incredible show mix from the International Terror!

HIP HOP Where ya at?!!!!!!

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