Rick Ross Will Set Bail At $2 Million


Burn those “Free Rick Ross” tees he’s finally getting out of jail a week after getting arrested for assault and kidnapping — but he had to come up with a ton o’ cash to get sprung.
Ross’ bond hearing in Fayette County, GA just wrapped up and the judge ok’d his released once he paid a $2 million bond … which he scraped together from a few places:
– $1 million equity from the ex-Holyfield mansion he owns, and another GA property
– $500,000 surety bond (from a bail bondsman)
– $500k in cold hard cash
Ross’ attorney promised his client would hand over the entire Holyfield property to the county if he intimidates or threatens any witnesses.
The boss will also have to wear one of those GPS ankle monitors.

Written & Reported Source: TMZ

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