G. Fisher talks music, authenticity with Jason Bourne


Comfortably referred to as G.Fisher, this phenomenal lyricist from the Bronx has built a brand based on authenticity and a studious approach to his ambitions and intent as he embarks on a very promising Hip Hop career.  The self proclaimed Hip Hop head has been doing his diligence developing a fan base which serves as his greatest support to etching his name into the conversation of rising stars. I recently caught up with the charismatic MC for an exclusive interview, check it out:

Jason Bourne: G. Fisher is a name that I have been familiar with for quite some time; you have definitely made your rounds on the indie scene. Break that down a little for the people who may not be in the know

G.Fisher: Making my rounds is kind of an understatement. I have hit the stage basically everywhere, from The Pyramid to Webster hall- both rooms. I have been blessed to perform at Sullivan Hall, The Palladium when it was poppin, down to TLA in Philly and The Amphitheater in D.C. For those who may not know me, I ask that they get familiar. I have been doing this for a while.

Jason Bourne: Respect, Respect. If you had to name some influencers musically who would they be ?

G. Fisher: First and foremost life and family have been my greatest influencers. I have to start with my mom and sister both of whom had their time in the Hip Hop game. My sister is a true MC, lyrical as hell. Outside of that, Gil Scott Heron is a major influencer, Jay Z, Curtis Mayfield, Nas, Snoop and KRS are all legends of the game and have influenced me along the way. I am a product of the golden era of the culture.

Jason Bourne: First album you memorized, front to back.

G. Fisher: That’s easy. Doggystyle. That was a classic album. I could recite it word for word, still can.

Jason Bourne: Musically whats the focus for you these days ?

G. Fisher: Well we are wrapping up the Superfly Guy E.P. which will be out later this Fall under my company Enterprize Entertainment. I dropped the first single, Snow White featuring Whispers. That’s classic NY rap right there. If you are a fan of the boom bap, that gritty approach to bars, that’s for you. For us, rather. I have a street album out titled, God MC. I know a lot of people are taken back by the name, but confidence has never been a problem for me. In addition, the title helps those who may not be, get familiar with me as an artist and what my path is. I will also be dropping my official debut on Year Round Records / D.I.T.C. theres no title as of yet, but trust me in due time all of it will come together and the fans will not be disappointed. I also can’t forget my team, The Movement. Look out for our album dropping soon.

Jason Bourne: I want to talk to you about authenticity. For as long as I have known you, you have remained G. Fisher. That’s not an easy process. How do you find the courage to do so.

G Fisher: My brand of street music is a blend of intelligent gangster mixed with a message. I am not just spitting bars for the sake of it. I am here as an epitome of a certain class of individuals. Where we come from is real, so there is not a costume to put on. I do not wear masks or tap dance, what you see is what you get. Everyone runs with the whole Self Made cliché, I actually live it.

Jason Bourne: What is your goal ?

G Fisher: I want to be the industry standard. If you listen close you can hear the passion, the promise, the message in my lines. I want to rebuild the entire business model as it pertains to Hip Hop, the culture and the music. I want to redefine the landscape by pushing the envelope with my authenticity.

Jason Bourne: How different would that be from what the landscape is now?

G Fisher: For one, I give you my life in records; the good, the bad. I have been through a lot and I share it musically. My ups and downs become yours, and vice versa. I have a hell of a story, anyone that knows me can attest to that. Genetics vs environment is what I like to call it. I don’t want to come off as a preacher, cause I am not here for that but my calling is higher than that of a mere rapper.

Jason Bourne: Where can the people connect with you and get the music ?

G.Fisher: Anyone who wants to know more about me, can google G.Fisher. I am on soundcloud and Youtube of course, I am very consistent with content. The blogs have also shown me a lot of love, so the product is there as well. Social Media wise @gfishermusik

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