Ice The God is one of the hardest independent artist on the underground scene right now. He is really skillful when it comes to creating great music. He can write from all angles giving his fans something they can all enjoy. I got the opportunity to see him perform at the Platinum Celebrity showcase earlier last year. The message he shared in his music had me lost for words which made me become a fan of his music. As an artist he spends most of his time in the studio perfecting his craft so he can become one of the greatest emcees to ever do it. When you hear about a New York artist from New York, you usually think Brooklyn, Harlem, Queens, Bronx, and Yonkers. Ice The God goal is to change all of that by becoming one of the first lyricist to put Poughkeepsie on the map. Below you can check out his hot new single “While I’m Here”. Also you can check out his performance video where he shared the same stage as R&B Singer Mario at the Build your brand event. All of the footage was filmed by Fly Crew Productions which is a popular brand in Poughkeepsie NY.
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Ice The God Instagram: www.instagram/icethegod
Fly Crew Production Twitter:
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