Cirque De Elude: The Fashion Circus



Opening the show up with a Juggling Unicyclist and beautiful models dressed like Circus Barbie dolls, Cirque De Elude decided to do it a little different this year with the theme, Carnival meets The Ringling Bro. With loud gasps filling the atmosphere and a sea of facial expressions, this was something the crowd was not excepting.


Hosted by fabulous Rae Holiday who was definitely suited up for the theme, engaged with the crowd and kept the room filled with laughter. Patrons sipped on Drinks while watching the talented Models strut the latest fashion down the runway of this year’s Designers which included Contemporary Fashion line Diem, Pure Dope, Haddassar, Kira Nacole, JQ, Shades of Shea, Exotic Swim, Daresque, Riche Threads, Sew Uneek, & Lfant. During intermission the guests enjoyed sounds by DJ Fugi Slim & Olivia Dope. There was also a great performance by an Aerialist, & Contortionist, topping it off with a splash of Carnival with Stilt walkers. This amazing show was brought to you by VM Nation and Showcase ent. 6 years strong Elude and they are here to stay!


Created in 2010, The ELUDE FASHION SHOW is an Event created to bring an exclusive glimpse onto the sketchpads of today’s local rising designers. Their stellar presentation of expertise, artistic precision and creativity has earned each designer a reputation for being one of the best amongst there urban peers and with “ELUDE.”

See footage of the fashion show here courtesy of WeinthemixTV.

Photos courtesy of Astonishing Photos

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