Music: @Hoz139 “Finally Home” (Prod. By @illmindProducer )


Harlem up and comer, HoZ, enlists the help of super producer !LLMIND for his latest release American Sniper. Inspired by the film of the same title HoZ says the inspiration for the theme of the record sparked from the movie. He says “After watching the movie and seeing how the war in Iraq effected Chris Kyle and his family I was inspired to write the first verse for this record. My goal was to catch the feeling of a soldier at war, finally returning to find their peace at home.” The second verse of the record takes an interesting turn. U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle (Bradley Cooper) takes his sole mission protect his comrades to heart and becomes one of the most lethal snipers in American history. His pinpoint accuracy not only saves countless lives but also makes him a prime target of insurgents.The movie is directed by Clint Eastwood and is out in theaters go check it out, and make sure to stay on the lookout as HoZ gears up for his new project Uptown Zoo. His last project 8th Wonder is on now.

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