K’Shon – Promise


K’Shon’s romantic new single “Promise” (Eeny Meeny Miny Moe) is the perfect choice for fans of more uptempo love songs

ATLANTA, GA – Romantic music comes in many different forms, but there’s more to romance than just slow jams. Serious enthusiasts who are driven to “pick the very best one” for their own romantic playlists should check out K’Shon’s energetic new single, “Promise.” The song came to life as K’Shon worked alone in a recording studio in Smyrna, GA. What started out as a playful chant over a chorus developed into something hotter than anything else he was working on.

The song expresses the singer’s affection for one particularly special girl. Even though he could choose any other girl, all he really wants is her. The romantic sentiment continues with the lyrics: “I promise to treat you better than any other guy. I won’t break your heart.” The single was released on March 6th.

Kaleb Shanndon Gary (known by his stage name K’Shon) writes all of his own music which is a mix of R&B, Pop and a dash of Trap. He composes lyrics and makes beats to use for his own songs and to sell to others. Although he occasionally works with beats from his friends, K’Shon created the beat for “Promise” himself. What beats he chooses to work with depends on his inspiration. “If I hear a beat from my friends and I can hear myself on it,” said K’Shon, “then I’ll go with it.”

K’Shon is a deep thinking philosopher who seeks to increase his knowledge in many areas. While others are content to simply listen to music, K’Shon studies music. His own music features a blend of top hits which he has interpreted in his own unique way. By using big hits, K’Shon brings that “Number 1 Hit” feeling into all of his music. One of his finished songs is a take on “Remember the Time” by Michael Jackson, but sounds like a completely new piece. That track, along with several other singles, will be released throughout the year and eventually become part of his debut album. “I make hits!” K’Shon said. “Everybody who listens basically loves my music. They believe in me. I believe in my music, too.”

Growing up in Lawrence, South Carolina, K’Shon’s biggest musical influences were Charlie Wilson, Chris Brown and Usher. But he learned everything about making his own music from his dad around a decade ago. His father did everything in his studio in South Carolina and he taught K’Shon about engineering and how to make beats. Around two years ago, K’Shon moved to Atlanta where he is based now.

African music especially from Ethiopia conveys an energy you can feel. The 24 year old credits his Ethiopian heritage with the energy and passion that radiates from his music. You can feel K’Shon’s presence and his deep love and appreciation for the music. “That’s what I give off in my music too, that high energy,” K’Shon said. “We make you move and bop! You got to, you know?!”

To move and bop to K’Shon’s music or to follow him on social media, please visit:





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