Rick Egidius Brings Hip Hop And Classic Art Together On “Album Covers vs. Paintings”


So everyone knows I’m a huge stickler for cover art when it comes to albums. To me, it’s a missing art in hip hop when we use to see covers that reflected the music as well as the artist, thus Dutch artist Rick Egidius’ concept of ‘Album Covers vs Paintings’.

His vision is about crossing timelines, in search of the true meaning of the messages that album artwork is supposed to give us. Some of the pairings Rick conducted were Kendrick Lamar vs. Salvador Dali and J. Cole vs. Michelangelo.

This is a creative journey that isn’t as simple as combining an album cover with a famous painting, it’s a matter of trying to understand the message of the album and pair it with a famous painting without losing sight of the intended symbolism of the original masterpieces.

Check out Rick’s full concept breakdown and more of the project on Behance and follow Rick on Instagram.


Follow Shamika Sanders on Twitter and be sure to tune in to The Miss Independent Show with yours truly coming soon Wednesday nights only on 100.1 The Heat!

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