@BlackPegasus x @tullierap: @goldplatedppl – “RJHW”


Gold Plated People begin, after longtime friends Tullie Bailey (Tullie Rap) and Robert Houston II (Black Pegasus) decided to combine backpack style hip hop with some abstract and alternative sound. After making music and touring around the world as solo artists for over a decade, they felt it was time try something fresh and bright. Which led to their first single 88 constellations, a trippy take on space travel meets spirituality. With Tullie Rap’s Johnny Cash like sensibility, and Black Pegasus’s Blade Runner attitude, Gold Plated People is sure to excite your senses and make you MOVE. GPP are currently working with a handful of talented producers and musicians to bring this boom rap/alternative creation to a speaker near you.

Tullie Rap/Black Pegasus as Gold Plated People (GPP) are here to challenge everything you know to be normal. GPP make alternative/electro/hip-hop music. GPP have toured from Paris to L.A and everywhere in between, breaking rules and setting trends every step of the way. Tullie Rap/Black Pegasus (GPP) have worked & played shows with such artists as Tech nine, Yelawolf, Hopsin, dizzy Wright, Authority Zero, Mr Dibbs, Mickey ave, Bad Religion, Immortal Technique, Slaine, Futuristic, and many more.

@BlackPegasus | @tullierap | @goldplatedppl

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